Thursday, September 5, 2013

C4T #1 & Post #2

C4T#1 comment 1

Mary Worrell is an English teacher. Mary's post Building Experiences to Mine was about how teachers should know a lot about the subject they teach. She, for example, went without reading and writing, and she felt that if she was going to be an excellent teacher in reading and writing she needs to do both of those things. She got caught up in teaching, and she was only doing school work. She then realized she needed to be reading and writing to be an inspiration to her students. She completed four books within a couple of weeks, and said she felt a lot better. She is also going to start writing in the summer.

a bookworm

I commented on this post about how I could not agree with her more. I have the same opinion as her about some college professors. Several of them are just teaching facts out of a book, when you can tell they have no idea what they are teaching. I agree that a teacher not only should have practiced or learned a lot about what they are teaching, but also should love the subject they are teaching.

I am in school to be an elementary teacher, and I know that an elementary teacher, teaches all subjects and might not be as good at one subject compared to the other. I think they need to have some experience in all of the subjects, and also learn to love teaching them.

After reading Mary’s post, I am looking forward to being a teacher and whatever subjects I teach, I will make sure that I know and practice what I am going to be teaching my students. I do not want to be one of the boring teachers teaching just facts.

C4T#1 comment 2

In Mary's post When Boundaries don't protect, she writes about the first time she went into the first class she was teaching. She was always told to wear high heels because she was shorter then most of her students, and they would take advantage of her if they were taller. She thought she should be strict and put on a different persona. She recognized that the students looked past that and realized that she should be more of herself. She eventually shared some of her personal life with her students.

I commented on her post, "My biggest fear of when I become a teacher is knowing how close I should get to my students. I always thought that comes with experience." After reading Mary's post, I realize that it does come with experience, but I am not going to put my guard up as much when I first start teaching. I probably would have done the same thing she did when I went into my first class before reading her post. This was a great and inspirational post.

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